Happy Childhood Initiatives

As most of us know, making a child happy is not an easy task; the basic necessities that children need must be provided (food, clothing, shelter), children must be protected against all sorts of abuse, they should get the health care and the education they are entitled to receive and of course they should also be able to engage in recreational activities. Thus PHF’s scope to provide support to children in the following five areas:

  • Basic necessities
  • Protection
  • Health
  • Education
  • Recreation

Currently, the Happy Childhood Global Network is committed to three initiatives that we intend to implement globally; while they are fully aligned with and support our vision and mission, each has a different strategy:

arrow Happy Childhood Programs [HCP]

  • With carefully selected local organizations, to implement Happy Childhood Programs in the five fields outlined above and reach-out to as many children as possible, worldwide
  • As integral part of our programs: to help these organizations, as needed, achieve more and do better
  • By doing so, to act fast and maximize impact

arrow Laetitia Hatem Rehabilitation Centers [LHRC]

  • To raise awareness that solutions exist for physical, intellectual, emotional & psychological disabilities
  • To establish state-of-the-art rehabilitation centers that offer physical, occupational and speech therapy, as well as psychological support
  • To provide quality rehabilitation care to children with disabilities, offering them the opportunity to recover a healthy state, as much as possible

arrow Happy Childhood Villages [HCV]

  • Where local partners are not readily available, to provide, under one roof, support to underprivileged, vulnerable and abused children in the five areas of basic necessities, protection, health, education and recreation
  • To radiate from the HCV and reach out to children outside the village
  • To continuously measure performance and improve

Other initiatives are being identified and evaluated on an ongoing basis; initiatives are all approved centrally by PHF and are implemented locally by HCFs after careful assessment.